All our related research and data
- Malaria
- Child and Infant Mortality
- Future Population Growth
- Malaria: One of the leading causes of child deaths, but progress is possible and you can contribute to it
- Net Results: We are winning the fight against malaria and you can help
- When will the world reach ‘peak child’?
- Death rate from malariaWHO, GHO data
- Death rate from malariaIHME data
- Death rate from malariaWHO, Global Health Estimates
- Estimated number of deaths from malariaWHO GHO data
- Malaria deaths by age
- Malaria incidence
- Malaria mortality in children
- Number of child deaths from malaria
- Number of deaths from malariaIHME
- Number of deaths from malariaWHO GHO
- Number of deaths from malariaWHO GHE
- Share of children with a fever receiving antimalarial drugs
- Share of the population with malaria