All our related research and data
- Annual population growthwith UN projections
- Birth rate vs. death rate
- Births and deaths per yearwith UN projections
- Births per yearwith UN projections
- Births per year
- Births per year, by world region
- Births that are registered
- Change in Global Hunger Index vs. Population growth
- Child deaths per year
- Children per woman vs. population growth
- Deaths per yearwith UN projections
- Deaths per year, by age group
- Deaths per year, by world region
- Fertility rate: children per womanwith UN projections
- Natural population growthwith UN projections
- Natural population growth rate vs. child mortality rate
- Natural population growth rate vs. median age
- Number of one-year-olds
- Populationsince 10,000 BC, Marimekko
- Population10000 BCE to 2100, with UN projections
- Populationsince 10,000 BC
- Population1950 to 2100, with UN projections
- Population by age group1950 to 2100, with UN projections
- Population by age group
- Population growth ratewith UN projections
- Population growth rate by level of developmentwith UN projections
- Population growth rate vs. child mortality rate
- Population growth rate with and without migration
- Population of young, working-age and elderly
- Population of young, working-age and elderlywith UN projections
- Population under age 5, by world regionwith UN projections
- Population younger than 15 by world region1950 to 2100, with UN projections
- Population, comparison of United Nations projections1950 to 2100, with UN projections
- The demographic transition
- The demographic transition in England and Wales
- World population by level of educationwith projections
- World population, comparison of UN projections
- World population, comparison of different historical sources