CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: we just launched our new Data Explorer, Country Profiles and Complete Dataset

Over the past five months the focus of the Our World in Data team has been on covering the Coronavirus Pandemic. In this time we built a number of tools to allow users to follow the development of the pandemic closely, and build on top of our work:

  • Coronavirus Data Explorer: allowing users to switch between a large number of metrics for any countries in the world – confirmed cases, deaths, testing rates.
  • Country Profiles: a dedicated page for every country in the world, providing the latest statistics on the outbreak.
  • Complete COVID-19 Dataset: all of our metrics in a single, daily updated, downloadable file, including all of the scripts and input data used to calculate them.

Applying the lessons from our work from COVID-19 for our work on CO2 and Greenhouse Gases

In the intense COVID-19 work of the last months we learned a lot about how to make our work more useful across the many other topics we cover. The three new pages proved very popular for our users and we found them very useful ourselves.

So, we have completely restructured our work on CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions – one of our most-visited topics.

Today we have just launched our new:

  • CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data Explorer: The Explorer allows you to quickly compare annual, cumulative, per capita, trade-adjusted emissions (and other metrics) for any countries in the world.
  • Country Profiles: We build a profile for every country in the world, to see how emissions are changing; how much the average person emits; and where those emissions come from.
  • Complete CO2 and GHG Emissions Dataset: You now find all of our metrics in a single downloadable file, including all of the scripts and input data used to calculate them.

As always with our work we will update all data regularly, we will keep improving the technology (let us know what works and what you are missing), and we will use these new technologies for more topics in the future – global energy and global poverty will be next.